By the end of this training, you'll know these 5 secrets...

Secret 01
gives you the proven tool that unlocks transformation for EVERY client.
HINT: It has nothing to do with the language you use.

Secret 02
shows you the 4 elements that MUST be present in order for a breakthrough to happen.
HINT: You'll quickly become a pro at infusing them into your scripts.

Secret 03
gives you the language hacks that let your client say "That felt SO REAL!"
HINT: This secret lets each person feel like you've customized the script just for them... even on group calls!

teaches you how to "prime the pump" of free-flowing ideas so you can create scripts faster than you thought possible...
Even if you usually feel stuck when it comes to creative ideas.

instantly relieves pressure to get the words just right or make the perfect hypnotic suggestions.
HINT: This secret is SO simple that it works even if English is your second language.

The secret technique that lets you know... in less than 3 seconds... if your script is working...
and how to confidently change course if needed.
HINT: This secret (and all the rest) work for 1:1 AND group hypnosis sessions.

I promise I'm not just saying this, it couldn't have been better.
I loved that it was straight to the point but in no way did it feel rushed and there was tons of content!
I'm actually blown away by how much you could cram into an hour!
Thank you Lori 10 out of 10! - Mandie Combe AUS
What if it's easier than you think...
to spark lasting transformation with your scripts?
Let's talk about who this training is for...

This training is for dreamers like you.
Deep down you know magic exists...
But you're not sure how to CONSISTENTLY give your clients a breakthrough.
You want clients to emerge from trance saying "WOW!"...
...then keep coming back for more and tell all their friends about you.
What if now is the time to step into your worthiness?
What if you can make an excellent living doing what you love and making a difference in the world?
Whether you...
- Work with clients one on one and want the proven secrets that let you consistently deliver breakthroughs... without prepping for hours
- Want to deliver transformational group hypnotherapy sessions... and want every person to feel like you created the script just for them.
- Were trained (like I was) never to use scripts... but you're curious how scripts can generate self-healing and unlock transformation for others.
- Would love to create transformational hypnosis audios for yourself or others.
You were meant to find this training!
Creating Magical Scripts gives you the 5 proven secrets that consistently unlock transformation...
AND allow you to make an excellent living in the process.

Lori has a gift of explaining things so even a third-grader could understand.
Lori always makes me feel warm and welcome.
I appreciate that she doesn't shun scripts and explained how they are tools, but you still need to focus on the clients. I'm excited to use these techniques at an upcoming workshop I am doing. - Cassidy Green US

Power Up Self-Hypnosis
With Freddy Jacquin and Lori Hammond
This enjoyable training shows you how to access a deep, hypnotic state that lets you...
- Eliminate physical and emotional pain
- Experience complete control of your emotions in any situation
- Create the body, health, and happiness you desire
If you've ever felt like you're not good at self-hypnosis, you'll absolutely love this workshop.
$1,529 VALUE

Freddy Jacquin's 2-Day Hypnosis Certification Course
With Lori Hammond
This is like no other online training. You'll come away equipped with the confident ability to use hypnosis as a hobby or a full-time business.
The Arrow Technique, Weight-Loss Without Willpower, Dream Architectural Therapy Protocol, Total Perception Management, and so much more.
$2,729 VALUE

Why YOU deserve to make a difference in the world...
The other day someone told me...
"There are already so many amazing healers. What do I have to offer when I still struggle with healing myself?"
I wanted to take her face in my hands and say, "I know how you feel. I STILL feel that way."
If you're reading this, maybe you've felt that way too.
Please know this...
Nobody else in the universe can touch the world the way YOU can.
Right now, people are searching for a solution that ONLY YOU can give them.
What if your so-called "imperfections" are actually your gift... because they help you relate to others?
What if you heal yourself as you dare to experiment with the possibility that YOU ARE WORTHY AND CAPABLE of changing people's lives...
WHILE you are a work in progress.
HINT: We will always be a work in progress.
I double dare you to give yourself permission to shine.
Your imperfections draw people to you.
Your imperfections make people comfortable accepting your gift of transformation.
One of the things you'll love most about this training is that the 5 secrets work...
even if you struggle with your own baggage...
even if you have doubts about your ability to generate freedom for others.
What if you're exactly where you're supposed to be to make the biggest impact on the most people?
Will you acknowledge your worthiness to invest in yourself?

Great training!
This helped me put my past learnings together so it all makes more sense. - Tracy Maysmith US
Questions & Answers
Will this training work for group sessions and hypnosis recordings?
How long will it take to learn the 5 secrets?
I'm a brand new hypnotist. Can this training work for me?
What if I don't use scripts?
Can you tell me more about the BONUSES?
When does the training happen?
Right now!
When you sign up, you get immediate access to
- The 5 Secrets Member Library
- BOTH hypnosis trainings with Freddy Jacquin and Lori Hammond
- All the BONUSES for the option you choose below.
The 5 Secrets to
Creating Magical Hypnosis Scripts
BONUS scripts and programs
Everything from the BASIC option.
IMMEDIATE ACCESS to 22 of Lori's most popular hypnosis scripts (they work for 1:1 & group sessions, self-hypnosis and hypnosis recordings) covering topics like...
- Physical healing
- Loneliness and isolation
- Fear, stress, anxiety, and worry
- Weight management
- Depression
- Relationships
- And much more
$259.00 VALUE
Get IMMEDIATE ACCESS to 20 hypnosis audios where Lori guides you through some of her most popular and powerful protocols. It's like having your own private hypnosis sessions with Lori.
- Time is an Illusion Training: This enjoyable training shows you how to stop managing time and CREATE so you can stop living a "have to" life and start living a "get to" life.
If you've ever said, "I want to make a difference in the world but life is just too busy!" this training is a game changer.
$497.00 VALUE
Total Value $5,489.00
Best Deal
Everything from the UPGRADE option $973 VALUE
Immediate access to Lori's business training library
Master Group Hypnosis Sessions: The step-by-step system for running group hypnosis sessions (online or in person)
$1,877 VALUE
The Magic Words: Discover the Magic Words that get people to line up to sign up with you.
$793 VALUE
The Breakthrough Protocol: Lori walks you through the Breakthrough Protocol in a 90-minute Reprogramming Session that heals the part of you that used to feel out of control and releases that problem that kept you stuck.
$369 VALUE
Mastering Self-Hypnosis: Learn simple, effective, protocols to heal yourself. (This one is especially good for skeptics.)
$379 VALUE
Sad to Glad: Lori's anti-depressant program
$595 VALUE