Weight Loss Without Willpower
Screenshot this graphic to your phone and review daily

Screenshot this graphic to your phone and review daily

Screenshot this graphic to your phone and review daily

Screenshot this graphic to your phone and review daily

Meal Time Hypnosis
Listen to these meal time audios to reprogram yourself to feel powerful and present when you eat.
You don't need to listen at every meal. Listen while you're alone and imagine feeling this way when you eat at other times.
Simply allow your body to memorize peaceful, present eating.
For people who geek out about the science behind why this works so well.
Click here for BJ Fogg's life-changing Ted Talk.
Click here for Kelly McGonigal's talk about the science of willpower (which does NOT mean white-knuckling your way through cravings).
Click here for another short, intriguing talk from Kelly where she reveals some "aha" insights about addiction.
Click here for Connirae Andreas' book about
Click here for the As If Principle by Richard Wiseman
Click here for Jill Bolte's Ted talk about the 90 Second rule that is the scientific basis of Urge Surfing.
Click here for a great interview with Dr. Andrew Huberman (There are many great interviews besides this one too.)